8 Years a (Proud) American

8 years ago I witnessed history. That was the year that President Barack Obama was voted into office. I felt such hope for the future and pride in my country even though the road to his victory was a rough one. It was a day like no other where the country seemed to band together... Continue Reading →

Angry Black Woman

One of the most irritating questions that I'm asked is "Why aren't you smiling?" Mind you the person asking usually isn't smiling. I'm not sure what person walks around the entire day looking like a chestire cat smiling from ear to ear. Even the most pleasant people I've encountered don't smile all the time. Only... Continue Reading →

Dear Stacey Dash

I used to like you as an actress because you reminded me a little of myself. You were a Black girl who sounded like a "valley girl". After having people make fun of the way I spoke, I no longer felt alone. Now, based on the thoughts that you have formulated yourself, I realize my admiration... Continue Reading →

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